Bringing compassion, expertise, and creativity to our work with children and adolescents with speech and language needs.

What is speech-language pathology?
Speech-language pathology is the study of human communication disorders. These disorders can range from simple sound substitutions to the inability to understand or use language for functional communication.
All of these disorders have the potential to isolate individuals from their social and educational surroundings. Pediatric speech-language pathologists help children and adolescents with communication delays and disorders to increase their speech and language skills, learn about the world around them, use their knowledge and skills effectively, and enjoy positive interactions with family, teachers, caregivers, and friends.
About Our Practice
For two decades, Nancy Theofrastous has been helping children and adolescents improve their communication skills. She started in a large office in Beachwood and a tiny office on Chardon Square. By 2014, Nancy had moved all of her private-practice services to Chardon and settled into a large suite in the “big pink building” next to Heinen’s. With this move, WRSLP increased the number of families it was able to serve in Geauga and surrounding counties.
WRSLP, like many small businesses in Ohio, was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the nature of speech-language therapy (i.e., close face-to-face interactions), speech-language pathologists in all disciplines had to reinvent how to deliver effective therapy services. Nancy Theofrastous is happy to report that WRSLP SLPs and front office staff rolled up their sleeves and, within days of the school closings in March 2020, figured out how to provide engaging therapy services while strictly complying with the ever-changing health and safety guidelines. Because staff perceived each bump in the road as an opportunity to be creative and innovative, services got better and better as the pandemic wore on.
WRSLP has emerged from the pandemic a different practice. We have simplified the staffing structure and are in the process of moving to less of a medical model and more of an educational one. WRSLP, again like many small businesses in Ohio, used the experiences of the pandemic to make important changes to its business model and, in turn, set itself up to serve the community in better ways for years to come.
Therapist Credentials
All of our therapists have a Master’s degree, are members of ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association), and are licensed by the State of Ohio. Because WRSLP is a Jon Peterson Special Needs (JPSN) provider for the Ohio Department of Education, the speech-language pathologists also work with K-12 students in six independent schools in Lake, Geauga, and Trumbull counties.
We offer a wide range of speech and language services. Please see our Services page for the list of delays and disorders that we treat and for descriptions of a few of our areas of specialty:
Speech and Language Evaluations
Toddler and Preschooler Therapy
School-Age Services
Accent Modification for Adults